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    Our Crooked Knife Website : Dedicated and Comprehensive 

Crooked Knives with Scroll Handles created by steaming and bending the hardwood


 Two Elaborate " Lollipop" style Crooked Knives​

Left: Eastern woodlands, Coastal New England

Circa 1875-1895

This remarkable knife is achieved by steaming and bending  wood to create concentric circles.


Right: Eastern Woodlands 

Circa 1865-1890

Pierced Burl wood with file branding


    In celebration of the 20th anniversary of our book;  Mocotaugan: The Story and Art  of  The Crooked Knife; The Woodlands Indian’s indispensable Survival Tool  we are publishing our newest effort, an online website dedicated solely to the crooked knife. This builds on our original work - consider it a sequel- and includes an extensive new Resource Guide, a first-ever Marketplace solely for the antique crooked knife, detailed Standards, thought provoking Mocotaugan Musings,  our research on the The Average Crooked Knife, never-seen-before photographs of exceptional crooked knives The Art of the Mocotaugan  and so much more.


  Over the last two decades the crooked knife has experienced what can only be called a "renaissance."  People the world-over;  Native peoples, bush-masters, scholars, art collectors, knife makers, carvers, woodsman and curators are all espousing the virtues of the "unique knife of the North"


   The credit for this renaissance, in the opinion of this author, lies with the bush-crafters, knife makers, blade smiths and woodsman who have enthusiastically embraced the crooked knife because of its original fundamental qualities, that is, as an indispensable survival tool, to be used in the field  for a myriad of practical purposes.


    The Story and Art of the Crooked Knife  is dedicated solely  to the crooked knife and is both a clearinghouse of information and a market place.






  • Art of the Mocotaugan  An online Gallery showcasing some of the most beautiful crooked knives ever produced.


  •  All-inclusive Resource Guide:  For all crooked knife enthusiast, an organized resource to the newest online videos, blogs, bushcraft courses, craftsmen, and museum collections. â€‹

​        Researchers and students please check out The Crooked Knife Bibliography 




  • Standards:  Standardized  protocols for documenting and measuring the crooked knife.





        Mocotauagn Book   (while supplies last)





  Twenty years ago when writing about the crooked knife we said .... "Our aim is to encourage further exploration of this distinctive knife in all its anthropological and aesthetic aspects.", but what we never could have imagined is the renaissance the crooked knife is enjoying. And we could not be happier.


I know I speak for my father in saying thank you and we appreciate you. We are truly humbled by all your support during the years and are honored to be a part of the story of the " Man's knife of the North " 


Ned Jalbert




                                   Finally !   A Marketplace dedicated solely to the Crooked Knife.



 A Collection of Estern Woodlands Crooked Knives.

All images, photographs and drawings on this website are the Copyright of Metacom Publishing Inc, 2023, or of  Ned Jalbert , 2023  (except the images and words of others as indicated)


Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author are his own and as such no guarantee is given or implied and no liability is accepted for errors or omissions.
We provide links to other sites as a courtesy, and to provide our readers access to information. No endorsement is provided either implied or given.

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